The Cattleman is a classic western six-shot revolver. Taylor\’s & Co. is proud to bring a collection of the finest S.A. Cattleman Model 1873 revolvers being manufactured today. These single-action models are manufactured using the highest quality standards available. The frames are forged which results in better grain structure and strength, perfect to allow the revolver to perform better in an abusive situation like competitive shooting with an extended life. The \”New Model\” Frame Cattleman features a slightly higher fixed-front sight, oblong ejector-plunger grip and a spring-loaded cylinder retainer pin, and a steel trigger and backstrap on a case-hardened frame with a blue finished barrel and revolver.

TAY 701A 1873 SA CTTLMN 45LC 5.5
Type Revolver
Action Single
Caliber 45 Colt (LC)
Barrel length 5.5″
Capacity 6
Hammer style Exposed
Grips Walnut
Sights Fixed
Weight 36.5 oz
Frame description Blued
Frame size Standard
Cylinder finish Blued
Barrel finish Blued
Oal 11″
Barrel length range 5.00″ to 5.99″
Weight range 32.00 oz to 47.99 oz
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